The Physio Joint is pleased to inform we are remaining open for face-to-face appointments during the lockdown period and plan on continuing to provide our usual high quality physiotherapy service throughout this time.
Strict health measures have been put in place. This includes:
- Patients arriving are to call from their car to let reception know that they have arrived.
- Once the room is clear, to minimise the amount of people in one room, reception will call the patient back and advise them that they are able to come straight into the practice.
- Both physiotherapist and patient will be wearing personal protective equipment (masks).
- Patients will wash hands before treatment and prior to payment at the front desk.
- Extra vigilant disinfecting of surfaces between consultations will be maintained.
We currently have all four physiotherapist’s working, this being, Damien Cummins, Ben Balcomb, Lexi Unicomb and Lyndall McLean.
If you would like to make an appointment, call reception on 02 4967 2677 or you can make a request here.